Mogadishu (UM) – Zahra Abdikarim is a remarkable lady. She is an award-winning technology business owner whose company is a leading player in the technology sector in Somalia.
Zahra Abdikarim, who is a mother to 4 children established her company on 2006 during a time of instability and where technology was still unknown among Somali businesses. She became self-employed due to lack of other opportunities after graduating in Computer science engineering from University of Science and Technology in Sana, Yemen. Today, her business provides technology solutions to some of the best-known Somali companies as well as start-ups.
SOSTEC, the company which Zahra founded, provides software solutions including website design, hosting and management, IT solutions, mobile app development, database security an IT consultancy.
Zahra’s story is unique and covered by UM because she has broken into a male dominated sector as a self-employed woman and has succeeded in growing her business, employing others and creating and supporting many more Somali enterprises.
In the most recent Somali Business Awards in Mogadishu, Zahra was recognised as the Best Woman running a Small Medium Enterprise. She also contributes regularly to mentoring young entrepreneurs and delivering ICT courses to Somali students, especially, youth and women.
In a telephone interview with UM Zahra was modest about her achievement but clear in her vision for the future.
“I am a woman, Muslim, Somali, mother and a business person. I do not subscribe to simple labels because I believe with Allah SWT’s assistance and our effort, we can achieve anything.”