Mogadishu (UM) – The Somali Parliament in their third session have unanimously endorsed a Bill that supports the banning of Dubai’s port operation in Somalia .The Bill titled protecting Somalia’s Sovereignty and territorial Integrity won the majority support of the MPs in the session.
168 of the total MPS in the session voted for the Bill, one MP voted against and one abstained. The Bill did not only invalidate the Berbera port deal , but it also invalidates any agreement with DP world.
Dp World will not have the right to operate in Somalia when the Bill is signed by the President.
The Berbera port deal has met a lot of resistance from the Somali government which sees the agreement as a violation of Somalia’s sovereignty.
In a speech to the Parliament during the opening session a few days ago, President Farmajo warned against back door agreements and stated that any company that comes through the back channel shall be treated as an illegal company and will not have the right to operate in Somalia.