Somali Parliament Speaker officially resigns


Mogadishu (UM) – Somali parliament speaker finally gave in and resigned after long political wrangling that pit the legislature against the executive.

What begun as a impeachment motion against the Speaker, turned  into  a full blown political crisis that has  endangered the political stability of Somalia.

The Parliament has been in political turmoil and this surprise move may bring the Parliament to their normal sessions.

So far the Parliamentary business  has been disrupted, with rival MPs trying to either oust the Speaker or keep him  in office.

The Speakers tender of resignation marks the end  of the current political crisis that has engulfed the Somali Parliament, but many doubt MPs willingness to set a side their differences and work for the common good.

The current political crisis began when  MPS opposed to  the speaker of the Parliament submitted a Motion of No Confidence against him and that lit the first fire that engulfed the Parliament. Many mediation efforts meant to solve  the crisis came to no fruition and the Speaker finally gave in, promising he will address the Parliament on Wednesday to make his resignation official.